Introducing the anti-cheating ring

First we discovered a ring that heats up to unbearable temperatures as a reminder of an upcoming wedding anniversary.
And now another masochistic wedding band has come on the market – a titanium ring that brands the wearer with the words: ‘I’M MARRIED’ via an interior engraving.
When the ring is taken off, the words are left imprinted on the wearer’s finger – exposing his or her true marital status.
Husbands and wives seeking extreme measures to deter their spouse from playing away will need to fork out £350 for the thick silver jewellery.
The humorous item, presumably intended as a very expensive joke present, is stocked by self-professed ‘immature’ online shop
‘With Arnold, Tiger and two timing IMF guy in mind, we have created this wedding ring for people intent on cheating,’ they say in the ring’s product description.
‘The negative engraving on the inside means that when you are in the Club and if an attractive woman… or man comes along to chat, slipping your wedding ring off is not an option.’
‘Our ideas for products are founded in basic, honest, uncomfortable truths that are intended to make you laugh, squirm, think, or all of the above,’ they write. isn’t the first to turn the wedding ring – the ultimate symbol of love – on its head.
LUZ Jewelry created a ‘Cheat Ring,’ which exposes the wearer as someone who has been cheated on. And divorcees are increasingly turning their marital bling into divorce rings post-split.